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Giant people-attacking crocodile captured in western Uganda

KAMPALA, Aug. 6 (Xinhua) — The Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) said Tuesday that it had captured a 4.5-meter-long crocodile that mauled several people at a landing site in Ntoroko District in the Western Region of the country.
UWA said in a statement that the crocodile was captured from the shores of Lake Albert after terrorizing fishermen for some time.
“This wild beast measuring 4.5 meters and weighing 500 kg was then transferred to its new home, far away from humans,” said the government-run agency. “Between January 2023 and July 2024, it is reported that this 45-year-old crocodile had mauled two people, and killed one, while also severely injuring four others.”
UWA, however, warned residents “to remain vigilant as there could still be other crocodiles lurking in the waters.”
Several other attacks have also been reported, especially in districts neighboring water bodies. In 2020, crocodiles were reported to have eaten seven people in Uganda’s eastern district of Buyende and the northern district of Apac. ■
